What Small Business Owners Must Prioritize
Small business owners, how are you doing? No, really, how are YOU doing? Your body, your mind, your general wellness?
Your answers to these questions will tell you a lot about how you’re doing in the area of self-care. Small business owners are especially vulnerable to stress. You handle all the things and often put others first and sacrifice your own wellbeing in the process.
“Small business owners are especially vulnerable to stress. You handle all the things and often put others first and sacrifice your own wellbeing in the process.”
Small business owners who are leading their life and business from a place of health and wellness, fueling their bodies with healthy choices and keeping (normal) stress levels in check are much more likely to experience long term success compared to their peers who are leading from a place of desperation, fueled by excessive amounts of caffeine and stress.
If you’re leading your small business, taking care of your employees, and prioritizing family life, it seems like making health a priority would be a no-brainer, right? It seems obvious that taking care of ourselves affects our energy levels and endurance long term. Chances are you, you know you need to make yourself a priority but for many reasons, your body, your energy, and your mental health have taken a back burner over the years.
Maybe you’re thinking about changing your self-care practices (or lack thereof)? Starting a lifestyle overhaul may feel overwhelming.
Don’t do it all at once. Here at Larison Media, we dream big, but we start small. We love small business owners and we want to see you succeed. Start small!
Here is a list of ideas that can lead you on the path to better self-care. All of them take minimal amounts of time and effort, but practiced over time, can help you be a better you.
Drink more water throughout your day
Spend 5 minutes during your day reflecting on what you’re grateful for
Take a walk around the block
Breathe deeply for 2 minutes
Eat more vegetables
Put your phone away during the time spent with the people you love
(Important disclaimer, we are not medical professionals. We are fans of entrepreneurs offering lifestyle advice.)
At Larison Media, we love working with small business owners. Your success is our success. We would love to learn about you and work together to create a custom plan that will help you achieve your goals.